Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

  • Reviewed: 17 May 2024, 12:57 NZST
  • Still current at: 23 October 2024

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If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

Avoid non-essential travel

Avoid non-essential travel to the states of Chihuahua, Colima (except the city of Manzanillo), Coahuila (except the southern part of the state at and below the Saltillo-Torreón highway corridor), Durango, Guanajuato (Highway 45 between León and Irapuato; the area south of and including Highway 45D between Irapuato and Celaya) , Guerrero (except for the cities of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and Taxco and the toll road to Taxco), Michoacán (except for the cities of Morelia and Lázaro Cardenas), Morelos (the Lagunas de Zempoala National Park and surrounding areas), Nayarit (the area within 20 km of the border with Sinaloa and Durango; the city of Tepic), Nuevo León (except the city of Monterrey), Sinaloa (except the city of Mazatlán), Sonora (except the cities of Hermosillo and Guaymas/San Carlos and Puerto Peñasco), Tamaulipas and Zacatecas due to the high levels of violent crime in these regions (level 3 of 4).

Avoid non-essential travel to the border with Guatemala due violent crime (level 3 of 4).

Exercise increased caution

Exercise increased caution elsewhere in Mexico due to violent crime and drug-related violence (level 2 of 4).

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Violent crime
Violent crime, including murder, kidnapping, armed robbery and sexual assault is common in Mexico, including in tourist areas. Mexican government statistics indicate that both violent and non-violent crime occur much more frequently in Mexico City and the State of Mexico than in many other parts of the country.

New Zealanders throughout Mexico are advised to be security conscious at all times. Particular care should be exercised in tourist areas, at airports, bus stations and when using public transport, where theft is common, including pickpocketing. We advise against travelling or walking alone at night. Remain vigilant, monitor local media closely and let family and friends know about your travel plans.

Criminal groups, including drug cartels, are active and clashes between cartels or gangs are common in certain areas. Violence related to organised crime  occurs including in Quintana Roo and Baja California. Though not focused on foreigners, travellers can become inadvertently involved.

Petty theft and other crime is a problem in major cities and tourists areas. New   Zealanders in Mexico should be aware that victims of financially-motivated violent crime are often targeted due to their perceived wealth. It is best to remove all valuables and carry only the minimum amount of money and belongings.

Kidnappings, sexual assaults and armed robberies have taken place in taxis and with the collusion of taxi drivers. Taxis should not be hailed on the street. Authorised taxis caught from airports (pre-paid at a registered booth), hotels or “sitios” (taxi sites found near any shopping mall or tourist attraction) are generally safe. If using a reputable ridesharing app, confirm the driver’s identity and the licence plate before getting in the car. Women travelling alone on public transport have been targeted with harassment, robbery and sexual assault.

There have been reports of physical and sexual assaults, robberies, and extortion being committed by individuals representing themselves as police officers, and driving cars resembling police vehicles.

There have been occasional reports of food and drink spiking. We recommend taking extra care to ensure your food and drink is never left unattended and being cautious accepting drinks from strangers and recent acquaintances.

Drug-related violence
Drug-related violence and criminal activity is a significant issue in Mexico and can pose a danger to foreigners. Violence, including murder, kidnapping, and shoot-outs, is largely concentrated in specific areas of Mexico, particularly in the northern states bordering the United States (Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Sonora and Tamaulipas). Some central region states (Durango, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, State of Mexico and Zacatecas) and others along the Pacific coast are also affected (Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit and Sinaloa). The security environment in some of these states, particularly in rural areas, may be volatile and unpredictable.

Driving on rural highways in any of these states is considered dangerous due to the presence of drug cartels. Carjackings, illegal roadblocks and armed robberies occur, including on major highways and motorists have been killed. Armed clashes between security forces and drug cartels can occur without warning.

Most victims of drug-related violence are Mexicans involved in or caught up as bystanders in criminal activity, however it is also possible for foreigners to become victims of violence directed at others, such as shootouts in public places. Mexican authorities have made efforts to protect major tourist destinations such as Cancun, Puerto Vallarta and Cozumel and there is a lower level of gang related violence in these locations.

On 6 August 2017 there was a shooting on Palmilla Beach in Los Cabos. Since early 2021 there have also been a number of shootings in Playa del Carmen, Tulum and Cancun. While tourists were not the targets, anyone in the area may be affected. These incidents have resulted in an increase of police presence in these areas. There have also been several incidences of armed crime both within and outside tourist areas in Acapulco. If possible, travel by air, and be extra vigilant within the area.

Road travel
Carjackings and highway robberies occur regularly in Mexico, particularly in states which border the US and on the Pacific coast. Police do not regularly control highways and road conditions vary.There have been incidents of crime and civil unrest associated with illegal roadblocks in some states, such as Chiapas and Guerrero. In January 2016, several tourist buses were attacked and set on fire by protestors at a roadblock in Chiapas. 

New Zealanders travelling through Mexico by road are advised to use toll roads (or “cuotas”) where possible, to avoid isolated roads and to avoid road travel outside urban areas at night. It is advisable to keep car doors locked and windows up at all times, particularly when stopped at traffic lights. For safety reasons, we recommend using first-class buses for inter-city travel and only during daylight hours.

While generally safer, criminals have attacked tourists on toll roads and highways. The Sonora, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas and border regions are high-risk areas. You should stop at all roadblocks or you risk being killed.

Kidnapping for financial gain is common in Mexico, with one of the highest kidnapping rates in the world.There have been allegations of police officers being involved. You should exercise discretion in discussing financial or business affairs in places where you may be overheard by others.

Incidents of “express kidnappings”, where individuals are forced to withdraw funds from automatic teller machines (ATMs) to secure their release, are an issue in Mexico. To reduce the risk of this occurring we recommend you take extra care while using ATMs and use machines located inside banks or shopping malls during daylight hours.

Virtual kidnappings have also occurred, where victims are contacted by phone and coerced by threats of violence to provide phone numbers of family and friends, so that an immediate ransom can be demanded. New Zealanders are advised to avoid giving personal information to strangers over the phone. Ensure that your phone is password protected and never leave it unattended. Report any kidnapping, physical or virtual to the local Mexican police.

Civil unrest
Demonstrations, protests and strikes occur regularly in Mexico and have the potential to disrupt local travel and public services lasting for long periods of time. The Mexican Constitution prohibits political activity by foreigners and participation in such action may result in detention and/or deportation. New Zealanders are advised to avoid any areas where demonstrations and protests are taking place as they have the potential to turn violent with little warning. Follow the instructions of local authorities and monitor local media.

Natural disasters
Mexico is in an active seismic area with several major fault lines, and the most common natural disasters are earthquakes. Mexico is also subject to hurricanes on both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts,floods and volcanic activity. In November 2023, Category 5 Hurricane Otis impacted the Pacific coast of Mexico near Acaupulco. Disruptions to infrastructure and services may remain. Travellers should be aware of the possibility for travel disruptions in the event of a natural disaster. Familiarise yourself with general safety procedures and follow the instructions of local authorities, including any evacuation orders.

General travel advice
If entering Mexico by air, you are advised to download your tourist card (FMMd) by scanning the QR code at the airport or by visiting the FMMd website.

If you enter through a land border, you should apply for a tourist card (FMMe) before travel and will need to seek out an immigration official to have your passport stamped once you have crossed into Mexico.

An immigration official will determine the number of days you can remain in Mexico and specify this on your FMM. While the maximum length for a tourism-related trip is 180 days, this is not automatically granted. You must specify to the immigration officer upon entry how many days you intend to stay for and ensure that this is accurately recorded on your FMM before you leave the immigration area.

It is illegal to bring ammunition or weapons into Mexico, even if travelling from the United States. If you do so, you will be imprisoned. Travellers are advised not to enter Mexico with weapons or ammunition, without the correct permits.

The police are known to on occasion ask foreigners to show photo identification and proof of legal status in Mexico. 

Smoking and vaping are banned in all public places in Mexico, including beaches, parks, hotels and restaurants. It is also prohibited to bring electronic cigarettes and vaping devices into Mexico.

New Zealanders travelling or living in Mexico should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place that includes provision for medical evacuation by air.

New Zealanders in Mexico are encouraged to register their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The New Zealand Embassy Mexico City, Mexico

Street Address Jaime Balmes No 8, 4th Floor, Los Morales, Polanco, Mexico D.F. 11510 Telephone +52 55 5283 9460 Fax +52 55 5283 9480 Email Web Site Hours Mon - Fri 0930 - 1400

See our regional advice for North America

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New Zealand Embassy Mexico

Street Address
Jaime Balmes No 8, 4th Floor, Los Morales, Polanco, Mexico D.F. 11510

Telephone: +52 55 5283 9460

Fax: +52 55 5283 9480



Hours: Mon - Fri 0930 - 1400

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