Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

  • Reviewed: 9 February 2024, 11:20 NZDT
  • Still current at: 23 October 2024

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If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

Do not travel

Do not travel within 5km of the borders with Syria and Iraq, with the exception of the tourist site Umm Qais, due to military activity and the uncertain security situation. Jordanian authorities have increased security along the border with Syria and military activity has resulted in fatalities and injuries. (Level 4 of 4).

Exercise increased caution

Exercise increased caution elsewhere in Jordan due to the threat of terrorism and civil unrest. New Zealanders in Jordan should be aware that there is the potential for neighbouring conflicts in Syria and Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories to affect the security situation in Jordan, including beyond the immediate border areas. A number of demonstrations have taken place in Jordan to protest events in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Demonstrations are typically peaceful, but they can become confrontational. (Level 2 of 4).

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Situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Due to recent events, the land borders between Israel and the West Bank might be closed at short notice. Demonstrations have also taken place in Jordan in response to events in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The security situation in the region remains unpredictable and could deteriorate without warning. New Zealanders traveling to Jordan should remain security conscious at all times.

There is an ongoing threat of terrorism throughout Jordan. Jordanian security forces continue to conduct security operations across Jordan to prevent attacks. Attacks could be indiscriminate and target places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers. Possible targets for attacks could include government buildings and security forces, embassies, places of worship, hotels, markets, shopping malls, restaurants, cafes, bars, public transport hubs, tourist sites and western businesses.

In November 2019, a lone attacker with a knife injured eight people, including four tourists near the Visitor’s Centre at the Jerash Roman ruins.

New Zealanders in Jordan are advised to maintain a high level of personal security awareness at all times, particularly in areas known to be frequented by expatriates and foreigners, and monitor the media for information on potential threats to safety and security. Take official warnings seriously, and follow any instructions and advice issued by the Jordanian authorities. Be alert to possible attacks and have an exit plan.

Civil Unrest
Demonstrations and protests are common in Jordan and may be triggered by political developments and events in both Jordan and the wider region. These often occur on Fridays after midday prayers and while gatherings may be intended as peaceful, there is potential for them to turn violent. Demonstrations have also occurred on university campuses, some involving firearms.

New Zealanders in Jordan are advised to avoid all demonstrations, protests and large public gatherings as even those intended as peaceful have the potential to turn violent with little warning. Follow news reports and be aware of local sensitivities on these issues. Be prepared to change your travel plans if disruptions occur from civil unrest.

Landmines and unexploded munitions are located near some military installations and borders, including in the Dead Sea area. These areas are usually fenced and marked with skull-and-crossbones signs, although some of these may be damaged. New Zealanders are advised not to stray off well used roads and paths in these areas, and to seek local advice.

Official military and police patrol land borders with Syria and Iraq, which can be closed at short notice. Military activity in these border areas is frequent due to ongoing conflict in these countries, including shelling and gunfire.

Petty crime such as pickpocketing, bag snatching and theft can occur in Jordan, especially at tourist sites and in crowded areas. We advise New Zealanders to be alert to their surroundings at all times and take steps to safeguard and secure their personal belongings. As victims of robbery can be targeted due to their perceived wealth, it is advisable to avoid wearing or displaying items that appear valuable, such as electronic devices and jewellery.

Assaults, robberies, theft from vehicles and attempted residential break-ins have been reported but are not common. If you hire a car, it is advisable to keep the doors locked and windows up at all times, and hide valuables from view.

Women may be subject to unpleasant male attention and harassment. Incidents of harassment range from lewd comments and gestures to inappropriate physical contact. On occasion, this can escalate to sexual assault. Female travellers should take extra care, especially if alone and particularly at night. Women should always sit in the back if taking a taxi, particularly when travelling alone. Don’t accept lifts from strangers.

Celebratory gunfire is illegal but common. It has occasionally resulted in injury and death.

Tribal Violence
Disputes between tribes, clans, or families periodically erupt and sometimes involve violence, including the use of firearms. You should follow news reports and, if caught in an incident, leave the area and follow any police instructions given.

Commercial and internet fraud occurs in Jordan. New Zealanders should be wary of any offers that seem too good to be true, as they may be a scam. For further information see our advice on Internet Fraud and International Scams.

Scammers also work in tourist areas, and have been known to target single women.

Credit card fraud, including by the use of card-skimming devices, has been reported.

General Travel Advice
New Zealanders are advised to respect religious and social traditions in Jordan to avoid offending local sensitivities. Modesty and discretion should be exercised in both dress and behaviour. Public displays of affection are not considered socially acceptable and may offend. Proselytising or encouraging conversion to any faith other than Islam is illegal, though the personal practice of other religions is accepted.

Making a critical or defamatory comment about the Hashemite Royal Family is illegal and may lead to detainment or imprisonment. 

Only use licensed taxis, preferably those arranged through your hotel and insist that the meter is used.

We advise leaving your passport in a safe place and carrying a photocopy for identification purposes, to present at police checkpoints.

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe and can include lengthy imprisonment or fines, even for small amounts.

Photography of government offices, military or security establishments or officials, and of people without their consent, is prohibited and could result in detention. If in doubt, don’t take a picture.

Droughts, flash floods and sand and dust storms occur.

New Zealanders travelling or living in Jordan should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place that includes provision for medical evacuation by air. Medical facilities outside of major cities are generally basic.

New Zealanders in Jordan are encouraged to register their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


Travel tips

The New Zealand Embassy Ankara, Türkiye is accredited to Jordan

Street Address Kizkulesi Sokak No.11, Gaziosmanpasa, Ankara , Türkiye Telephone + 90 312 446 3333 Fax +90 312 446 3317 Email Web Site Hours Mon - Thur: 0900 - 1530 Fri: 0900 - 1300

New Zealand Honorary Consulate Amman, Jordan

Street Address Muqabalain - Al-Quds Street, Jwico's Factory, Amman, Jordan Postal Address PO Box 5272 Amman, 11183, Jordan Telephone +962 6 420 5112 Fax +962 6 420 5113 Email

See our regional advice for the Middle East

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Accredited New Zealand Embassy Türkiye

Street Address
Kizkulesi Sokak No.11, Gaziosmanpasa, Ankara , Türkiye

Telephone: + 90 312 446 3333

Fax: +90 312 446 3317



Hours: Mon - Thur: 0900 - 1530 Fri: 0900 - 1300

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