Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

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Terrorist groups, individuals returning to Europe from areas of conflict, and individuals adhering to various forms of extremist ideologies, continue to make threats to conduct attacks in Sweden and across Europe.  Groups adhering to various ideologies have conducted attacks in the past. Terrorists are very likely to try and carry out attacks in Sweden, they could be indiscriminate including in places visited by foreigners.



Theft and assault have been reported by locals and tourists alike, with most occurring at night and in urban areas. We advise New Zealanders to avoid poorly lit areas at night, particularly in Suva. Female travellers can be subject to sexual harassment and there have been incidents of sexual assault against tourists. Female travellers should take extra care, and avoid walking alone, particularly at night.

Cook Islands

Cook Islands

Although the crime rate in the Cook Islands is low, New Zealanders are advised to take care of their belongings and ensure that their accommodation is locked at all times. Thieves may target items (such as phones, cash, ipads) left on the beach or otherwise unsecured in scooters or motorcycles and accommodations.

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

There is a threat of terrorism in the UAE. Broader conflicts in the Middle East and Gulf region have the potential to affect the UAE. Terrorist and rebel groups continue to threaten to carry out attacks in Gulf countries, including against Western interests. UAE authorities have, in the past, arrested a number of alleged terrorists in connection with possible attack planning.

Solo travellers

Solo travel can be an exciting and enriching experience at any stage of life. Whether you’re on your big ‘OE’, ticking off the bucket list or just after your next adventure, it pays to plan and be prepared for your solo trip before you go.

Niger: Security Situation

An attempted coup is underway in Niamey. The situation remains volatile and could escalate without notice. We advise all New Zealanders in Niamey to remain indoors and shelter in place until further notice.

Violent demonstrations have occurred in Niamey and security forces have used tear gas to disperse crowds. There is a heightened military presence near government buildings, including at the Presidential Palace on Boulevard de la République.



Civil Unrest
Demonstrations in relation to many issues including economic and political developments occur frequently in Greece, and have the potential to turn violent with little warning. Demonstrations primarily occur in Athens, around Syntagma and Omonia Squares, Exarchia and in major cities, including in Thessaloniki. The likelihood of civil unrest in Greece may increase during days of national or commemorative significance.

LGBTQIA+ travellers

Laws and attitudes around sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics vary across the world and can be very different from those in New Zealand. This may mean that you could face certain barriers and risks when travelling outside of New Zealand. Before you travel, research the laws, social customs and safety recommendations that may affect you in your destination.

Before you go