Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

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Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Violent Crime
The law and order situation in Papua New Guinea continues to pose serious risks to travellers. Violent crime, including armed robbery, murder, carjacking, home invasions and sexual assault, is common throughout the country, especially in urban areas such as Port Moresby, Lae, Madang, Kokopo and Mt Hagen. The settlement areas in these centres are particularly dangerous.



Due to recent events in Israel, West Bank and the Gaza Strip, tensions could escalate with little notice and the security situation could deteriorate suddenly. Avoid all demonstrations and protests. Follow the advice of local authorities and monitor media for updates. Remain aware.

North Sinai is under a long-term state of emergency and curfew. As at January 2024, New Zealanders wishing to enter Egypt from Gaza require the approval of Egypt and Israel, via the New Zealand Embassy.

Travel tips - travel to Europe

Travelling in the Schengen area

As the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade does not issue visas for foreign countries, we cannot provide definitive advice on the requirements to enter or exit countries within the Schengen area. Our New Zealand Embassies and High Commissions overseas also cannot advise on your right to enter or stay in a foreign country and will refer you to this page. We recommend however that you:



Civil Unrest
Protests and demonstrations occur regularly in Chile, particularly in central Santiago and other major cities. Dates of national significance such as 11 September (anniversary of the 1973 military coup), 18 October (anniversary of 2019 civil unrest), 29 March (anniversary of the Young Combatant) and 1 May (Workers’ Day) may be a focus for protesters and are often marked by demonstrations. Police may use tear gas and/or water cannons to disperse crowds.



Ukraine and Belarus borders
The New Zealand Government advises against all travel to Ukraine and Belarus. Outside of designated border crossings, access to areas very close to the Polish border with Ukraine and the Polish border with Belarus may be restricted. Checkpoints may close or implement restrictions at short notice.



Distraction thefts and violent crime, such as armed robbery, are an issue in Argentina, particularly in larger cities like Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Rosario. Petty crime such as pick-pocketing, bag-snatching and mobile phone theft is common, especially in popular tourist and public areas, and on public transport.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

National Security Laws
Hong Kong’s Safeguarding National Security Law came into effect on 23 March 2024. The law includes additional national security offences.  You could be detained without charge for up to 16 days and denied access to a lawyer for up to 48 hours.