Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

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Mosquito-borne Illnesses

Outbreaks of mosquito-borne illnesses are common in the tropical and sub-tropical climates in many Pacific Islands, in North Queensland (Australia), Asia (including India), tropical Africa and Latin/South America. West Nile virus is commonly found in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and West Asia.



Domestic travel
Illegal armed groups are active throughout Colombia and present a significant risk to safety. Armed groups have been linked to kidnapping, terrorism and violent crime. In some parts of the country, the authority of the Colombian state is limited and travel can be dangerous. The risk is highest in remote and rural areas and in any area with drug production.  

Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands

Political Tensions/Civil Unrest
Parliamentarians are expected to vote for the new Prime Minister on 2 May.  Civil unrest can arise with little notice and political developments have occasionally resulted in violence.  



On 25 March 2024, France raised its terrorism alert warning to the highest level.  Expect to see increased levels of security nationwide.  A heightened threat of terrorism remains throughout France, with a number of violent attacks in the past:



Civil Unrest
Protests and demonstrations occur from time to time in Serbia, particularly in major towns and cities like Belgrade, and occasional unrest along the border with Kosovo remains possible. These can cause major traffic delays and disruptions to public transport.



Violent crime
Violent crime, including murder, kidnapping, armed robbery and sexual assault is common in Mexico, including in tourist areas. Mexican government statistics indicate that both violent and non-violent crime occur much more frequently in Mexico City and the State of Mexico than in many other parts of the country.



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not issuing a specific travel advisory for Samoa at this time.

Samoa is experiencing a dengue outbreak. Please read our dengue information before travelling.

New Zealanders travelling or living in Samoa should have comprehensive medical and travel insurance policies in place that include provision for medical evacuation by air.



The Government of the Republic of Cyprus exercises control in the (Greek Cypriot) southern part of the island. The northern part operates under an autonomous Turkish Cypriot administration, with a United Nations peacekeeping force controlling the buffer zone (or “green line”) between them. As New Zealand does not recognize the Turkish Cypriot administration, assistance to New Zealanders in the northern part of Cyprus is limited.