Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

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There is a heightened risk of terrorism throughout Kenya. The Somalia based terrorist group Al Shabaab has carried out a number of past attacks in Kenya and continues to publicly threaten to carry out further attacks. Credible information indicates that Westerners may be targeted by extremists in Nairobi, coastal areas of Kenya, Naivasha and Nanyuki.



There are media reports of an attempted coup and military movement in and around La Paz, Bolivia; this could quickly spread to other cities. Protests and demonstrations may develop in response to this attempted coup, and protests can turn violent quickly.

Travelling overseas with moko, permanent markings or tattoos

Travelling with moko (facial tattoo)
Tā Moko (Māori tattoo), in particular mataora and moko kauae are an important expression of culture, identity and whakapapa for Māori. Travellers with moko should be cognisant of the fact that permanent markings of this nature could be viewed differently overseas. Views and reactions may include curiosity, either positive or negative.

Bars and restaurants in some countries may have a dress code that bars visible tattoos (moko/mataora). Travellers are advised to check dress codes regarding entry.

Travelling overseas with taonga (culturally or religiously significant items) - Tō haerenga me ngā taonga

This advice relates to personal items only.

Perception as weapons
Some taonga can be viewed as weapons and be confiscated by customs or security officials with no ways for items to be recovered. Check the customs restrictions for each country you are travelling to or through. Pack these taonga in checked baggage rather than in carry-on baggage, or wearing them. 

Central African Republic

Central African Republic

Civil Unrest/Political Tension
There is sustained violence in CAR and the security situation is unstable and dangerous. Rebel activity, inter-communal tensions and lawlessness is prevalent throughout the country and despite the presence of international peacekeeping forces the potential for sectarian violence remains high. Comply with any instructions issued by the local authorities, including any curfews.



Violent Crime
Street crime is rare but is increasingly happening in cities and towns, including Asmara, particularly pickpocketing against foreigners. Armed banditry is common near the border with Sudan, and Djibouti along the coast north of Massawa, and on some rural roads.

Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago

Terrorist attacks are possible in Trinidad and Tobago. Over 100 Trinidad and Tobago nationals have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside Daesh (ISIL). If those nationals have returned, they could pose a security threat.