Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

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There is a very high threat from terrorism, especially in certain parts of the Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces. Terrorists are likely to target foreigners and foreign interests, including in towns and other areas where foreign companies operate.



Political Instability/Civil Unrest
While the security situation is currently calm, Guinea-Bissau has a history of political instability and periodic violence. There was an attempted coup d’etat in February 2022 and another in late 2023, and further civil or military unrest is possible.  



In July 2024, there have been widespread protests and demonstrations in Bangladesh, with violent clashes throughout Dhaka and other cities.  There is an increased police presence, with road blocks and checkpoints, and communications have been severely disrupted.  There may be disruption to transport, including cancellation of flights at short notice.



Regional Tensions
Regional tensions in the Middle East are high and could escalate quickly, and the security situation could deteriorate with little or no notice. In an attack or other armed conflict, you should follow the advice of local authorities. Increased tensions may also result in airspace closures, flight cancellations and diversions and other travel disruptions.



There is a risk of petty crime and theft.  We advise New Zealanders to be alert to their surroundings, especially in Havana. Pickpocketing and bag snatching occurs, particularly in tourist areas and on public transport. New Zealanders are advised to take steps to safeguard and secure personal belongings and avoid wearing or displaying items that appear valuable, such as jewellery, cameras and mobile devices. 

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Violent Crime
Violent crime is a concern in Costa Rica and can include armed robbery, sexual assault, home invasions, gang mugging and car-jacking. Exercise particular caution in the capital, San José. In January 2018 a tourist bus was stopped by criminals and passengers were robbed at gunpoint in Tortuguero, Limon province.



Border Regions
Due to ongoing tensions, borders with the DRC and Burundi could close without notice. If you travel to these areas, be vigilant as the security situation could deteriorate with little warning. Exercise extreme caution if you are travelling in border areas as the border may not be clearly marked.