Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

  • Reviewed: 7 June 2023, 12:05 NZST
  • Still current at: 27 July 2024

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If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

Exercise normal safety and security precautions

Exercise normal safety and security precautions in Canada (level 1 of 4).

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New Zealanders travelling and living in Canada are advised to take account of the terror threat level assigned by the Canadian authorities when making travel decisions. For further information on the threat of terrorism in Canada, see the Canadian Security Intelligence Service website.

Terrorist groups, individuals returning to Canada from areas of conflict, and domestic-based individuals adhering to various violent extremist ideologies, continue to make threats to conduct attacks in Canada. Groups and individuals adhering to violent extremist ideologies have conducted attacks in the past, some have been indiscriminate; targeting places of worship and areas frequented by foreigners including on public transport.

New Zealanders in Canada are advised to keep themselves informed of potential risks to safety and security by monitoring the media and other local information sources. We recommend following any instructions issued by the local authorities and exercising vigilance in public places.

Petty crime such as bag snatching, passport theft and pickpocketing occurs in Canada and is common in tourist areas, in larger cities and on public transport. We advise New Zealanders to be alert to their surroundings at all times and take steps to safeguard and secure their personal belongings. Avoid leaving valuables in unattended vehicles. Be aware of credit card scams and fraud.  

Violent crime does occur throughout Canada, especially in large cities and other urban areas, however tourists are rarely targeted. Violent crime including murder, armed robbery and sexual assault have been known to involve gangs targeting individuals/minority groups.  

Arctic Travel
The Arctic is a vast and remote region. You should be aware that there is limited access to search and rescue, evacuation and medical facilities due to the nature of the climate. Emergency assistance may be delayed and take several days. You should take this into consideration and plan accordingly. 

General Travel Advice
Demonstrations/strikes/protests occur occasionally in Canada and may disrupt local public services and transport. New Zealanders in Canada are advised to avoid all demonstrations, protests and large public gatherings as even those intended as peaceful have the potential to turn violent with little warning.

Since October 2018, recreational cannabis is legally available throughout Canada. Local laws can vary depending on the province or territory you are visiting. It is also illegal to take cannabis across the Canadian border without a permit or exemption authorised by Health Canada.

Canada often has extreme weather conditions, in winter (December to March) most of Canada experiences extreme cold (below -20 degrees celsius), snow and ice storms which affects local infrastructure including power outages as well as creating dangerous driving conditions.

In the spring and summer months remote and forested areas of Canada experience forest fires. Evacuation of threatened cities, and road closures may occur and air quality may be affected. Check on the outbreak of fires with the Canadian Wildfire Information System.  Follow the advice of the local authorities, including any evacuation orders. We also recommend that you stay informed of developments by monitoring local media.

New Zealanders travelling or living in Canada should have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place that includes provision for medical evacuation by air.

New Zealanders in Canada are encouraged to register their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


Travel tips

The New Zealand High Commission Ottawa, Canada

Street Address 150 Elgin Street, Suite 1401 Ottawa Ontario K2P 1L4 Telephone +1 613 238 5991 Email Web Site Hours Mon - Fri 0830 - 1630 hrs (Public office hours are 0900 - 1400)

New Zealand Consulate-General Vancouver, Canada

Street Address Suite 2250, 1050 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6E 3S7 Telephone +1 604 684 7388 Fax +1 604 684 7333 Hours Mon - Fri 9:30am - 1:30pm

New Zealand Honorary Consulate Calgary, Canada

Note All enquiries should be directed to the New Zealand High Commission in Ottawa

New Zealand Honorary Consulate Toronto, Canada

Note All enquiries should be directed to the New Zealand High Commission in Ottawa

See our regional advice for North America

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New Zealand High Commission Canada

Street Address
150 Elgin Street, Suite 1401 Ottawa Ontario K2P 1L4

Telephone: +1 613 238 5991



Hours: Mon - Fri 0830 - 1630 hrs (Public office hours are 0900 - 1400)

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