Official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas

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The crime rate in Vanuatu is low; however, robberies, assaults and sexual assaults against foreigners do occur, including in their homes, particularly in the capital Port Vila. Risks increase after dark, in isolated locations and if you're alone. New Zealanders are advised to pay close attention to their security, ensuring that all doors and windows are locked at night and while absent and that valuables are kept in a safe and secure place.



Care and careful preparation should be taken with all travel in Ethiopia due to ongoing civil unrest and armed conflicts in the northern part of the country, which could spread to new areas without warning. 

Viet Nam: Motorcycle Travel

For adventurous New Zealanders, motorcycle travel can seem like a great way to see Viet Nam and travel around the country.  But travellers are reminded of the significant risks associated with motor cycle travel in Viet Nam.  Accidents are common and can result in serious injury and even fatalities.  Rental motorcycles are often poorly maintained and the helmets provided do not meet New Zealand safety standards. Roading conditions also bring additional risks and the riding habits you are used to in New Zealand are likely to differ vastly in Viet Nam.



There is a risk of petty crime and theft. we advise New Zealanders to be alert to their surroundings, especially in Havana. Pickpocketing and bag snatching occurs, particularly in tourist areas and on public transport. New Zealanders are advised to take steps to safeguard and secure personal belongings and avoid wearing or displaying items that appear valuable, such as jewellery, cameras and mobile devices. 

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

The security and economic situation in Sri Lanka has stabilised since the widespread shortages and associated large protests and consequent changes in political leadership in mid-2022. There are still some sporadic shortages (e.g. of some medicines and imported foods), economic position of the country remains fragile, and living conditions of Sri Lankans have significantly deteriorated since early 2022.



There is a continued risk of terrorist groups planning attacks in South East Asia, including Malaysia. While there have not been any attacks in Malaysia since 2016, Malaysian authorities have successfully disrupted a number of plots.



There is a significant threat of terrorism in India. Terrorist groups have in the past issued statements threatening to carry out attacks in India. In some areas terrorist incidents are frequent, especially Jammu and Kashmir and less frequently in parts of the northeast. There are multiple threat actors that conduct attacks in India and attribution of responsibility can be difficult.



Terrorist groups, individuals returning to Europe from areas of conflict, and individuals adhering to various forms of extremist ideologies, continue to make threats to conduct attacks in Sweden and across Europe.  Groups adhering to various ideologies have conducted attacks in the past. Terrorists are very likely to try and carry out attacks in Sweden, they could be indiscriminate including in places visited by foreigners.



Civil Unrest
Protests may occur at short notice and turn violent without warning. Roadblocks can lead to disruptions to traffic and public transportation, and could last for several days. Previous demonstrations have resulted in the deaths of some protesters.